I recently purchased and viewed the sequel Hana to Hebi 2 produced by Toei Company in Japan. Like the original this one also features Aya Sugimoto as the often bound heroine.
This one finds her in Paris where she meets a Japanese artist whose greatest talent (it seems) is tying up Ms Sugimoto for sex. A couple of other young ladies of Nippon are also bondaged.
The movie climaxes in an underground (literally) art gallery where, in order to prove the authenticity of some bondage paintings, Ms Sugimoto must again be bound. The movie ends with a fairly long scene of our heroine having her clothes whipped off in some kind of dream(?) sequence.
Lovers of Japanese bondage will like Hana to Hebi 2. Ms Sugimoto is as gorgeous as in the original and takes on some fairly stringent bondage. As in the original, the settings and lighting are superb, but the sex is pixilated, or photographed in ways that hide actual penetration. I rate Hana to Hebi 2 a B+
primarily for its bondage sequences and, of course, our beautiful heroine Ms Sugimoto.