A Bring Out the GIMP (Girls in Merciless Peril) Movie Review

Female Market

Reviewed by Sloth

On this thanksgiving week, let's take a moment to count our blessings - by that I mean a review on a movie like this. Today's offering is a Japanese mainstream indie titled Female Market - I obtained my copy from Video Mayhem but it seems they no longer carry it. And I am unable to find any other source with a title close to it. Perhaps if a fellow Gimper has seen it he can provide an alternative title. In the meantime I'll keep searching.

A nice looking Japanese chick leads a fairly routine life - work, exercising after hours playing tennis, back home then off to work again. While driving home one night another car cuts her off and out jumps a man dressed as a woman who chloroforms her.

She awakens in a warehouse, part of which doubles as a residence. In her bra and panties, she finds herself sitting on the floor with 4 other newly arrived women, all bound to a concrete pillar. Before them, a crew is putting out place settings on a large dinner table. Seems like they want some diversion from standard dining as there is a young naked woman suspended by her ankles from an overhead pipe.

The proprietor, his henchmen and some potential buyers arrive by car and relax for dinner. The suspended chick is lowered, gets under the table and gives a buyer a blow job during the entree. The girls bound to the column ponder the situation. Under armed guards they are released from the pillar and with wrists still bound behind are taken to showers for a quick wash during which they introduce themselves.

One of the buyers carries a near naked chick into the dining room and rapes her on the floor while other girls who have not been sold have dinner. A guard confronts our damsel in her confinement area, slaps her around and rapes her on a cot. In another area a guard hoists a girl off the floor, AOH and legs spread and lifted. He licks her pussy and ass and diddles her. Overhead water pipes are turned on dowsing them both. He sits and lowers her enough so she can mount him for a rape.

Another potential buyer corners a girl in panties in another area, lashes her with a bull whip, wraps it around her neck and rapes her standing against the wall. The buyer in the dining room is finishing up his rape and this excites the slave market owner. He selects one of the girls having dinner, bends her over the table and does her from behind while the other girls continue eating.

Our new arrivals are now sitting in confinement. The last one is brought in rather the worse for her rape. A guard watches from another room on a security camera. He pages through the dossiers compiled on each woman and begins to take a shine to our main girl. He injects himself with heroin(?)

The new arrivals are taken in panties before a video camera and some more potential buyers. If they don't assume the correct posture they are beaten. When our heroine comes to support another girl Mr. Big wraps his bull whip around her throat and throttles her into submission. They are taken back to confinement.

Mr. Big gets head from one of his prisoners. He lubes the haft of his bull whip and sticks it up her ass. Our new arrivals plead into the security camera for assistance. A guard enters with his shotgun and our main damsel starts to give him a blow job. The other girl throws hot water in his eyes. She grabs the shotgun and smashes his face in as our heroine bites his Johnson off. Only those two girls take off in an escape attempt, the others cowering in fear. Trying to get out of a locked door they set off the alarm. The girl with the shotgun takes a pop at the pursuing guards and gets gut shot. They are both taken back into custody. The shot chick is laid out on the dining room table. A henchman rapes her and finishes just as she expires.

Our main damsel is prettied up for her punishment for the escape attempt. She's brought into the dining room, blindfolded and tied to a chair with piano wire. Mr. Big bull whips her until she passes out. She awakens bound arms outspread to the table. One of the guards rapes her while Mr. Big inserts acupuncture needles to various bod spots. A buyer turns her over and does her from behind. She's taken back to confinement where she scratches a pattern on the wall. Her admiring guard watches on the security camera and decides she needs to be rescued.

He dresses her in a smock and coat and they take off. The alarm sounds and the chase is on along the waterfront and subway system. They finally hide out on a small boat in the harbor. They screw. He gives her his gun and heads out. Later that morning she works her way down the waterfront and finds her guard has committed suicide and is floating in the water. She finds the warehouse and knows it is the place of her confinement from the marks on the wall. It is now a beehive of legitimate activity loaded with merchandise and all the other girls are gone. The End

Movie Pluses - no fogging, all concealment done with angles and objects - the main damsel was excellent with screaming and really selling the scene. Production values high. All in all, no heavy complaints.

Movie Minuses - too light on physical torment for my tastes - and once again, I hate happy endings.

The Verdict - a very pleasurable nights viewing especially for rape fans. For me, just skip the last 15 minute escape scene.

My Grade - solid B

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