SNAP is perhaps the best bondage/rape dvd ever made. It incorporates the mindwork from both the captor and the captives viewpoint. As been mentioned before the guy daydreams what we would like from the blonde co-worker or subordinate. She puts him off and angers him. Thus, motivation.
Then importantly, he attempts to force himself on her by fingering her from behind and she fights back with fury injuring him. The realism is incredible. He chased her down. Then she is tied to a gate spread wide. Incredible scene. Her mouth ducttaped. She squeals very convincingly as she is molested and vibed. The sound are very real and her expressions sell well. She is then tied to a sawhorse face down and anally raped. Also her expression and sound convey a realism unsurpassed. The video goes somewhat downhill from there with scenes less effective.
I found myself watching this vid in sections as I would climax through certain parts as I mentioned. The acting is excellent from male and female. The blonde fought back in a way that made the dvd believable. The picture quality is very clear. The audio was the best as the squeal conveyed the real thing. It is comparable to Japanese bondage without the mask. I highly recommend this even though it is hard or impossible to get. If this is the last Forbidden video of its kind it is a shame because it compares favorably with many ZFX titles as well as Japanese. Really a must have.